I Love Delhi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Not just because it’s my hometown. It is because the
happenings and incidents that happens day to day over here makes me proud that
I am a Delhite……
Well, I would like to share my bus journey which I faced
last time. I am very much use to in travelling by Bus. But last Monday journey
was little bit different for me.
Actually I left from my house at 9.30 am to catch the bus
for my office. As, I have to cover my half distance by bus and half by Metro
Train. So, when I reached at the bus stop, there was no one at that bus stop
except a person who was selling tobacco, cigarettes, toffees etc. I was waiting
from past half an hour but not a single bus came which could be useful for me.
In between that time period, I had seen 12-15 people at that bus stop which was
unbelievable for me at that day because it was not so much popular among
After half an hour, a red colored (A/C) DTC bus came over there
and approximately 80% people caught that bus including me. So, I gave Rs.5 more
than the usual fare I use to give for that distance because of its so called
A/C which I have never found in that type of buses.
After 2 bus stops there was a huge crowd jumped over the bus
and my nose was stick next to the cheek of the man who was standing beside me.
One of the uncles seems 40-45 years was screaming badly because his hand got
stuck in the door of that bus as Mr. Driver closed the so called doors due to passenger’s
safety. His elbow was outside that bus and remaining body parts were inside
that bus. He told to conductor, “@* %$>: open the door”. Then the door was
opened and he took a long deep breadth just like his loose motion has been
cured with desi treatments.
2-3 girls were standing in front of me having with decent
fragrance struggled to find out a support to make themselves comfortable in
such a concert [seems that Backstreet Boys were going to perform in that bus
after watching that crowd]. Few teenagers tried to stick with them, but got
demotivated due to their angry looks.
But a most interesting character was standing beside me. He
told that “I am feeling very much hesitation in that bus.” I didn’t understand
why he was feeling hesitation but suddenly I realized that he meant to say
‘suffocation’ instead of hesitation.
On that day, I realized if I use to travel with my own
conveyance, then I really missed those cherished moments which I enjoyed on
that day. It was a wonderful experience indeed.
OFF TO PUBLIC TRANSPORT……………By : Jayant Singh:)
Well Jayant looks like you are having good experience these days in DTC..