
Friday, October 24, 2014

Half Girlfriend Book reivew

अभी तक मैंने जो भी किताबो के रिव्यु लिखे है वह सारे इंग्लिश में थे, ये मेरी पहली कोशिश है अपने ब्लॉग में हिंदी के बुक रिव्यु लिखने की तो अगर कोई गलती नज़र आती है आपको तो जरूर बताये ।

आज मैं जिस बुक के बारे में बात करने जा रहा हूँ वह है " Half Girlfriend", ये बुक बेस्टसेलर ऑथर चेतन भगत ने लिखी है, और मुझे ये  लिखने में यहाँ पे कोई भी दिक्कत नहीं है की ये बुक भी बेस्ट सेलर और और एक बॉलीवुड मूवी भी बनेगी । इस बुक को मैंने ३ घंटे में खत्म कर लिया था, इसका शुक्रिया मैं चेतन साहब को दूँगा, उन्होंने बुक को इतनी आसान भाषा में लिखा है, की हिन्दोस्तान जहा पे लोग हिंगलिश बोलना पसंद करते है आराम से पढ़ सकते है, और वैसे कुछ लोग इसको एक हिंगलिश बुक भी कह सकते है ।

ये कहानी है माधव झा की जो बिहार से आया है दिल्ली पढ़ने, जहा पे वह मिलता है किताब के दूसरे अहम किरदार से जिसका नाम है रिया समोनी, इन दोनों में एक ही बात कॉमन है वह है बास्केटबॉल । माधव को इंग्लिश में दिक्कत है पर बास्केटबॉल की वजह से एडमिशन मिलता है वही रिया से दोस्ती भी इसी वजह से होती है । उसके बाद कहानी है इस दो किरदारों की जो की एकदम अलग है, हीरो है बिहार का जो दिल्ली की हर बाद उसके लिए नयी है, और रिया जो दिल्ली के बड़े परिवार से है पर अलग है। इन दोनों की ज़िन्दगी की कहानी है ये। बुक काफी हद तक पहले कुछ चैप्टर में अच्छी रही है, पर उसके बाद मैं इस किताब में कही भी सरप्राइज नहीं हुआ, मुझे पहले से ही पता लग रहा था की अब क्या होगा, और मैंने सबसे ज्यादा किताब के लास्ट पोरशन से डिस्अप्पोइंट हुआ, मुझे कही भी ये फील नहीं आई की ये बुक है , मुझे लग रहा था सब चेतन साहब अपनी किसी नयी फिल्म की कहानी सुना रहे है, और इस किताब में ऐसा कुछ नही है की आप कहे की है ये किताब आप दुबारा पढ़ सकते है।

मुझे ऐसा फील हुआ बुक पढ़ते समय शायद चेतन साहब को बुक बिकने से ज्यादा इसके बॉलीवुड राइट की चिंता थी, ये बुक कही से भी आपको एक बुक की कहानी की फीलिंग नहीं देती । आपको ऐसा लगता है आप एक  मूवी देख रहे है, पर आप उसके हर एक अगले पल को जानते है, जैसे की मैं आपको एक उदाहरण देता हो, ये बुक पूरी एक पारिवारिक बुक है, इसमें सेक्स के बारे में उतनी है बात की गयी है जितनी एक मूवी में होती है, और जहा तक चेतन भगत की किताबो का सवाल है, ये थोड़ा सा ओड है ।

इस बुक का सबसे बड़ी कमी है की आप किसी भी किरदार से जुड़ा हुआ नहीं महसूस करते है, आपको लगता है की ये सब ठीक है, आपके किसी के खोने का गम नहीं होता, न ही मिलने की खुशी, या तो पहले से सब जानते हो तब ऐसा  होता है, या तो किरदार सही तरह से आपके सामने डेवेलप नहीं हो पते, इस बुक में कभी बी कोई किरदार डेवेलोप नहीं हुआ है, हर कोई बस एक हद तक है, ये एक टर्म इंडिया में अब फ़मोस है तो ये २०-२० बुक है , यहाँ सब कुछ फ़ास्ट है, पर आप किसी भी बात से जुड़े नहीं है ।

ये बुक ये एक बहुत बड़ी हिट होगी, लोग इससे अछा भी कहेगा और बुरा भी, पर समझे बुक और कहनी दो अलग बात है, ये एक कहानी है किताब नहीं, किताब लिखना थोड़ा से ज्यादा मेहनत का काम होता है, और इस बुक में थोड़ी से कही है । पर ये किताब परफेक्ट है किसी भी मूवी के लिए, मैं तो यही कहोगे की मैं  इस बुक से बड़ा ही डिस्अप्पोइंट हुआ हो, और शायद अब मुझे चेतन साहब की बुक  को दूर रखना चाहिए ।

नोट: अगर किसी को इस रिव्यु से बुरा लगे तो इसके लिए कोई भी सॉरी नहीं है, और इस बुक को खरीद कर पढ़ने से अछा है आप १ साल इन्तेजार करते मूवी ही देख लेना।

Thursday, October 23, 2014

एक कोशिश

आज तक ज़िंदगी मैं मैंने स्कूल के बाद कभी हिंदी में कुछ लिखा नहीं, तो मेरे लिखे ये ब्लॉग लिखना एक बड़ी ही मुश्किल का काम था । उसकी वजह ये थी की जैसे ही मैंने लिखना शुरू किया मेरे सारे अल्फाज़ अंग्रेजी में ही आ रहे थे, मैं सोच तो हिंदी में रहा था लिखने के लिए, पर मेरे सारे शब्द इंग्लिश के थे । ये एक बड़ी ही बेसिक ( ये एक अंग्रेजी शब्द है ) परेशानी है उन सब लोगो के साथ जो उर्दू या हिंदी में बोलना या लिखना बंद कर चुके है। ये ऐसी समस्या तो है नहीं की लोगो को आप बताओ, ये तो बस ये बात है की हम अब सोचना भी इंग्लिश में शुरू कर चुके है ।  बहुत पहले जब मैं स्कूल में था तो हमारी इंग्लिश की टीचर कहा करती थी की जब तुम लोग इंग्लिश में सोचना शुरू करोगे और हमेसा दिमाग में पहला लफ्ज़ इंग्लिश का आएगा तो समझ लेना की इंग्लिश या जो भी भाषा सीख रहे हो तुमको आ गयी है ।

मेरे घर में सब उर्दू में आपस में बात करते है , मैं भी घर में  उर्दू का ही इस्तेमाल करता हूँ, पर अब समस्या ये हो गयी है की मेरे को उर्दू के अल्फ़ाज़ दिमाग में तो रहते है पर मैं अक्सर उनके मतलब भूल जाता हूँ । मैं कुछ दिनों तक कोशिश करूँगा की मैं हिंदी में लिखूँ, इंग्लिश में लिखने की वजह यही थी की वह पे लोग ज्यादा पढ़ने वाले मिल जाते थे, और मैंने अपनी कम्युनिकेशन की आदत को सुधारना चाहता था, पर अब मैंने ऐसे पड़ाव पे हो जहा पे मुझे अपने आपको इन सब बातो से ना फर्क पड़े ऐसा लिखना है ।

अभी जब मैं घर पे था तो मैं अपने एक पुराने दोस्त से मिला जो एक अब एक हाफिज कुरान है, उसने मुझे कुछ ऐसा कहा जिससे मैं काफी मुतासिर हुआ था, उसने कहा दोस्त ऐसा है वक़्त ऐसा आ गया है की अब हम जैसे पढ़े लिखे लोग ही अपनी जबान और अपने वतन को ना याद करे तो क्या होगा, लोग अब इंग्लिश इसलिए नहीं पढ़ते की उसने वह जुबान आये जिससे उनको काम मिले, अब वह इसलिए सीखते है ताकि वह अपनी जुबान को तर्क कर सके। मैं भी उससे काफी देर तक बात की जब उसने बताया की आज हमने जितनी भी देर बात की थी उसमे मैं काफी ज्यादा इंग्लिश के अल्फ़ाज़ का इस्तेमाल किया था, जो की इसलिए क्यकि मैं उर्दू अब इस्तेमाल ही नहीं करता हो । उसकी बात में एक सच था जो मुझे पता था की ये एक वाजिब बात है, अब कहा इंग्लिश के ज़माने में कोई उर्दू में बात करके अपने आप को ओल्ड फैशन साबित करेगा ।

ये ब्लॉग में हिंदी और उर्दू में लिखने की मेरी एक कोशिश है ताकि मैं उस बात से जुड़ा हुआ रह सको, अपनी सोच लोगो को बता सकू पर उस जुबान में जिसमे मैं चाहता हूँ ना की जिसमे लोग चाहते है । अब मैं किसी और के लिए नहीं खुद के लिए लिखना चाहता हूँ । ये एक कोशिश है।

Books I am reading

After a long time I got a chance to spend some time on reading books, there was two books pending on my checklist, one was biography of Steve Jobs and another one was Moneyball: winning a unfair game written on life of Billy a GM of Baseball team, who against the all odds each year produce winning team with lower budget. For information only last year famous movie Moneyaball was based on this book only.

Let me first talk about my reading of Steve Jobs book, half of my book was finished in summer, but other half was pending. I never pushed myself to finish the book, but somehow this weekend I did it. For me Steve Jobs did two great things for us, one he created solution out of the existing problem and second he just created Apple what it is today. People have different opinion about him, and frankly they have right to do so, he divide people opinion. One thing which everyone agrees is he just created solution out of problem like no one else did, be it Ipod, be it IPhone, be it I Pad, and be it toy story. There are so many things which he did and nobody thought about it. I was really amazed to just read his story and so much new thing I learned about life. Often I feel what next can be done in this case, after reading his story I feel that he was at brutal best when he said what he needed to say. He revolutionized the way we listen the song, the way we use our touch phone and best part was with him we knew there is something new coming up. I think post him Apple has lost that Mojo factor, but who can blame Cook for it, who can ever replace #stevejobs. After reading his book, I am really torn between the idea of tech person and sales person, who should be allowed to run the company. One point I agree with him is that sales person always see the number, for him every product is about NUMBER, and at some point the product get lost to keep the number up.

There is one thing about #stevejobs which keep me hooked up to this book was his never to say die attitude. He was always sure what he wanted and by any means he keeps getting it. It is dealing with Motorola chip case, he did what other top person could be afraid to do, and for good it changed the industry. As a outside I see him as a person who stood between Windows to create the monopoly and now his creating of Apple phone is doing the same thing with Google Android. I know his legacy will always be Apple, but there is more than an organization, he created a value to apple which now people understand. A brand value which is hard to create and he did it in his own style.

After reading this book, I am really open for so many things, and in work I am really open to be more brutal. The friendship can work, but to successful, we have to be brutal. There are many ways to reach to top, it don’t necessary we take the way which others are taking, we have to just make sure we take a route which in which we don’t stop no matter the obstacle and most important we believe in the route which we are taking.

P.S.: I am so excited to read more biography now, felling like a child has just found space inside me again to be at my creative best, no matter what other think of you. I don’t give a dam F@#$ about them. 

Friday, August 15, 2014

Sports book to read: MONEYBALL

This is one of those books which I picked up after watching the movie “Moneyball”, and it was really a different book for me. Even though I don’t understand basics about baseball, still this book appealed to me very much. This was story of Billy, a man who has found a very interesting way to keep getting players who are really underrated and undervalued in the high valued league of MLB. He has his own scientific way to do that, and yes it was successful one. One thought that remain with you even when finished the book is, “In my life I only did one thing for Money, after that I promised myself that I would never ever do anything for money”, that thing he demonstrated by refusing red sox offer of being highest paid manager in the history of MLB, but he choose to stay true to his values, and even today he is fighting in the unfair world with his own method.

So what is his method all about, In MLB every team has his own budget, not all team can offered best player with best salary. So they have to pic player from lower league to get best value in them. Old school though is to just see if boy has talent or not, but Billy scientific approach led us to a system where are not picked on the talent alone, but also by the attribute on basis on which they affect the game in the most positive pay. It was totally statistically method, where everything has a proof and data, It was not on the gut feeling. His journey seems amazing as he was one of few people in the baseball who have played the game and now managing it as well. That is why he understands it is not always talent which counts to build a team, team is build from right group and right person in the mix, talent can just add to the ingredient of the team.

He was creating a team with the kind of budget, he has was really always amazed people. how they are able to do it against all odds, when other are failing to do it with bid budget. It is one of few good stories in the sports which people like to follow on; people will follow this story and always hope that this team will win. Sometime it is not always about winning but creating something which will have much more deeper impact on the sports. Billy found a way in this unfair world of MLB where he can outsmart other, his way might not be perfect way but he still did it. First time people call it luck, next time a sheer by chance but next time it was a well oiled method which helped them to put together what they can’t afforded. He looked some of the thing which others ignore in the player, and being a cricket fan I can understand that only hitting runs don’t always help, but if player can do lots of thing in a game with fielding, wicket then his value might be less, but chance of him affecting game is higher.

Billy proved one thing to others, it is not always what we already do is the right thing. There is always some way in which we can improve. May be his method might fail one day, but till then we have a great story to read.

P.S.: BTW I was New York Yankees fan, but now I am fan of this team as well. Even though I know in every two year time we will lose our all stars player. 

Saturday, June 14, 2014

The End of Tikki-Taaka football

In all the civilization and in all the form of life there is a cycle, you start something, it grows, it spreads and finally after reaching it maturity, it starts to decline. Decline continues till it reaches its lowest point and something new is started from that point. This is what happening to Barcelona and Spain Tikka-Tikka style of play. It was introduced by Dutch, but mastered by the Barcelona of Pep. It was perfect football team, a team who keep the ball for so long that team feel irritated for not seeing ball, a team who chase the ball in packs once the loose the ball, with ball they pass it like a pure football team. They dominate the football for 3 years, there influence can be seen the Spain team of 2008 euro, 2010 World cup and now just 2012 euro. But as the team started to find out more about them, started by Chelsea fc that you can let them keep position, it doesn’t matter anymore. Just wait for you movement and hurt them at that time. 

Before the last season, the semi final of Bayer Munich and Barcelona was the decline of the Tikka-Takka football, they now only showed how to defeat them but also how to do in style. After that still people talk about style of football, but look at the Spain league also them team who won La Liga Ath. Madrid is not the best team in football, but they are the most effective team of football. Even Real Madrid has been more of a team which is effective and best on counter attack; they heavily rely of Ronaldo to bail them out. As we saw loss of Spain from the hand of Dutch, people might say this is one off, I think Spain has to choose more of Madrid approach rather than of Barcelona approach. 

The team which have beaten them have allowed them to have position in there half, but once they enter into their half they press them. They break them at pace, which allows them extra time to make sure they stay ahead, which is why team with pace like Dutch has caused problem to them. They can run at people and create the mistake which other can’t. 

Even with Spain in next match we will a new approach, I hope so otherwise it can be difficult for them. For Barcelona also they have to take the touch decision, like Pep did once he arrived at Barcelona, he sold Ronadihino and Deco both, so It might be time for few people to move on, and let the other create other their own destiny. 

Next season most successful team will sure not play a tikka-takka football, it will be more close to Bayer Munich or say Chelase fc effective team. 

Few years back when Barcelona was at there peak, they hold the ball for such a long period of times in a match that you know, it will not give the chance to other team to play the football. As each of the style has a cycle in which they grow, reach at maturity and then they come to end, I think Barcelona style Tikki-Takka football is coming to end.

The arrival of Fabregas and Impact in Chelsea fc

Last season when Jose Mourinho arrived in Chelsea fc he knew what he was getting into. He knew this is not the team who can win the championship in its first year, so he tried his best to make sure every one listen to his theory of Little horse. He and some of fan in Chelsea fc where really surprised the way our team was fighting for the BPL and Champions league. Even after having Hazard, Oscar and some other creative player why what was the missing link in the team.

Let's look at the last few team Mourinho has build on, Porto was the first team he build, it was really a marvelous team to watch, as underdog they perform outstandingly well. His team was build around the Play maker and orchestra of Deco, he was at his best in Porto, creating and scoring important goals for the team. When he moved to Chelsea fc, he didn't have any creative player in midfield. In chelsea he found something Unique, Frankly Lampard ( He is just a rare player to find), He might not have a creative genius like deco, but he was better goal scorer then his forward player. then when he moved to Inter Milan, he has Weshle Snider one of the best player in world at that time. he created, scored and played main role in Jose team. The common thing he found in all of his team is a creative midfield player who can control the game and be a game changer at any time. In RM also, he might have made the Ronaldo beast of goal scorer, but his main player as always Xabi Alonso. he controlled the game.

Last year in Chelsea fc, he found that lampard has lost the speed ( he is still top player) and needed someone who can control the game for him. His current player if you look, Obi mikel he still not the creative player that he need, Ramirez can be best runner but at time his touch and pass make you wonder about his creativity. What Oscar and Hazard need is someone who can make a quick pass to them to unlock the defense, and look what he has Got Fabregas.

He is the perfect replacement for the outgoing Lampard, if you wonder why then look at his statics. Right now Chelsea fc don't need any goal scorer from Midfield, they need someone who can connect between defense and attack. Fabregas has got that, he might not score the 15 goal a season, but he will increase the goal scoring opportunity of Oscar, hazard and the striker Jose choose to play. He will be hungry to prove all the doubters wrong about him, and also to Wenger who passed the chance to re sign him. Chelsea fc has done a great bit of business by signing him early, now they can wait for the other thing to shape up.

In my opinion this was the missing link in Jose master plan, when last year he said about his long term approach, few of us believe it. But this year now as transfer market is going, I am thinking he has already a grand master plan in place, he know they way his team will play this year and how he want to evolve the team. That is why i love jose, he never say a word, without some hidden meaning in it.

This year you might see the best of Chelsea fc with Jose at his Happy one mode on.

Friday, June 6, 2014

Fifa football world cup is ONNNNNN

Only a week more to go for the biggest carnival on the earth. 32 teams will fight it out to be crowned as the champions of Football. Brazil, a country famous for its samba skills and silky moves in football will host the 31 country. I have high hopes from this world cup, this is going to be one of the most exciting world cup in the real Memory. In each world from the day I have follow up it up from 1998, it has always thrown up some new stars with the exciting ones. Be it Ronaldo in 1998 and emergence of Zidan, then in 2002 re birth of Ronaldo and emergence of Ronadiniho, In 2006 the re emergence of Zidan and arrival of Cristiano Ronalao and the famous head butt of Zidan. Then in last world cup the Spain domination and the dutch emergence and failure of Messi.

This world cup is some how little different in some sense, in each world cup past one team have always been clear favorite, I could not find any clear cut favorite. Yes, there is Brazil, Spain, Germany ahead of other but there are teams like Belgium ( My pic from outside to go to semifinal), Urugave and Nigeria. they all have a very talented side with lots of experience. They can defeat any team on the given day with ease. Brazil playing on home soil will face the huge pressure of expectation, and with Scolari in charge I think they can cope with it. To my pic my favorite in this year championship, it would be German. They have a very well oiled team, it would be really dangerous if there team is on song in the world cup. The most surprise package team would be Belgium, they have Hazard, lukaku, Kompany, and Courtious. They have one of the best team in the world, If they play to the perfection and then it could reach in the semi final very easily.

I have seen few player in the EPL, La liga, German, French and Seria A. Most of the team have very talented player, but I would pic two player to watch in the world cup. One is Naymar and one is Hazard, they both are the best attacking player in the world right now. Neymar in Confederation cup has proved him self and carry the burden of the nation expectation, Where as hazard is new to the international level, he has yet to prove himself in the level of Ronaldo, Messi. He can do that if he is the focal point of the team in the championship.

As In India most of match will play in the prime time, you will see this year rating of the world cup will be higher.

P.S.: Watch out of Klose of Germany, he can break the record of the Ronaldo goal record in the world cup. I hope he don't do it.    

What difference a week make to you

Last week this same day, I was sitting on my desk and thinking about starting something new in blog. I done some research and selected a blog platform called for my new blog. Everything was done and even first new 2 blog was published. Then after 2 days, all my friends just started asking me about it. Why did you leave you old blog?

To be frank, I never thought any of my friend would read my blog ( due to my bad grammar and broken English), But actually they did. Even though most of them never told me about it. So again in my mind I was in doubt, should I continue with this blog or I should choose the new one. I give a deep thought for few days, and finally my emotions attached with this blog won. I ditched the new blog and decided to continue writing on this blog. Even tough I am not sure what I would write, but some how I could find a new will in myself that I would be back to my normal 2 or 3 post in a week.

In this week what I did most important was to talk with my old friends. The difference I found in all the people I have talked, there where few people who don't know what to talk with me or don't know what to talk with him ( A gap I can feel which was build by the time), and there where others who talked with me like we only met yesterday. Maybe it depend on nature of people or maybe I am over thinking about things these day. Whatever it is, I really need to get these things off my head.

Quality pages in Novels please

I have been really frustrated by India publisher for last 6 month; I don’t why they do it. But somehow I have started to believe that they don’t value there reader highly enough. When people say, readership of paper book reader is coming down I think the reason are not reader but the problem is with author and more so with Publisher. In last 6 month this is my 5th bad experience with an India publisher, earlier I ignored it but they are now doing it with good authors as well who are know in Indian writing circle.

Each month I order 3 books to read, this month I choose 3, first was of John green “fault in our stars”, second one was of Preeti Shenoy “The one you can’t have” and third one is in pre order of Smriti bansal again a life story of 20 people from small town who did achieve big things. I ordered on flipkart and there delivery time was excellent, they have done good job in that part. But after that I can see a contrast difference in the books of publisher.  I have two books with me one from Penguine and Preeti one from Westland.

My problem starts here; there was one big difference in both books which I couldn’t ignore this time. I could not understand how there can be so difference in the page quality of both book. Penguine book page quality was excellent, but Westland book page quality, I can’t comment on it. My preference to read book was of Preeti one but due to page quality I was put off. I don’t know why it has been done, because I can see price of book it was well priced as compared to other Indian Author, but paper quality used in book was like of a a new author book who has force publisher to print it. I am really disappointed by it, even though I am kind of good experience with preeti books, but this once has really given me a bad taste in starting, maybe I will not complain after reading the book. But after paying for book I think as a consumer I need some good experience as well. If these kind of thing is happening with Preeti Shenoy book than god knows what will happen to less know India Author books. Maybe that is why lots of reader is keeping themselves away from Indian Authors books these days. Paper quality of their book has become a major issue in last few months for me.

I don’t know how publisher will solve this, but for me here an Author has to take some responsibility towards the reader. We as a reader has hardly choose any book on the basis of publisher; we choose books on the basis of author, so they have to do justice not only with their writing, but also the end product we are getting in form of page quality and other things. The change will only come when we as consumer will complain, that we don’t need bad quality. For me Preeti Shenoy latest book price in a way that they can provide a not an international paper quality but good at least. For god sake doesn’t blame this only to the publisher because she is already written few novels to she must know how it works.

After reading the book, I will write a small latter to Preeti Shenoy regarding this, maybe she will take note of it, But yes as a reader I am really feeling bad about it. L

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

The passing movement of life

One more year have passed from my life, I am waiting for a new year to come with some more excitement and more buzz, this year might be different from last year. I am not sure about being different part, but yes this year will be most important in my life. From my career point of view, from personal level this year will change lots of thing in life. I still don’t know the extent it will change but yes I hope it bring lots of positive energy in life.

There was a book other day I was reading title as “Wise enough to be foolish”. I have not finished that booked yet, but somehow that book stuck with me, even the first 10 chapter which I have finished seems to me so much better than any other read I have in last few month. What excites me about that book is the journey which I am covering with her, it like I am with her in journey. It is really a fascination book, once I finish that I will update my remark about it. There is once incident that I wanted to share from the book, the incident that changes her life. When saiff (Yes this was also once reason why I am reading this book) gives him a challenge and how that changes her life, her match teacher who goes out of the way to help her, her hostel friends.

Back to that incident, I also had a similar incident in my life when I was in the class 7th, till that time I was average in the studies. Not good to be in top 10 but not bad also, She was my English teacher who told me very basic thing about subject. I almost scared of English because I never understood the grammar part in it, even today when I write, thousand of mistake can be found out in my writing. She told me why you have to fear about others, why you do anything for other and never write what you read, always read, understand and write in your own way. That was the turning point in my schooling life, because after that I stopped pleasing other; I just started doing thing for myself. In English I used to just write from myself, not what is written in the book, and she encouraged me in it. I was really fond of her, but for her there was better student than me, that bothered me till sometime after that I moved on. I stopped complaining from people, I just read, understand and write kind of person. That is sometime what we miss in life; we tried too much to be what we are not actually, so we have to put effort in it.

This New Year I really like to be most amazing person who don’t care and don’t give a dam kind of person. That is hard I know, but at least I can give it a try. You know after being free from your past is the biggest liberty you can get in life. I have got mine, may be few people feel bad about it, but a bitter end is better than a bad relationship. Happy ending are only in novel, because they are written in the end, and my life has just begun. 

Saturday, March 29, 2014

विरासते तो बनती, उजड़ती रहती है.......


          एक कविता आप सभी कि नज़र..........

विरासते तो बनती, उजड़ती रहती है ,
इंसान कभी सुल्तान ,तो कभी फ़क़ीर रहता है l

मरते तो यहां सब ही है, मगर "रौसा " 
जीते वही है , जिन्दा जिनका जमीर रहता है....

और युं गम न किया कर,
टूटे झोपड़ो को देख़ कर l
इन महलों में कौन सा अमीर रहता है... 

मिलना और बिछड़ना,
तो सिलसिला है, चलता रहेंगा 
अपना साया भी उजालों तक ही,
करीब रहता है.......

और क्या ढूंढ़ता है उसको 
यहाँ - वहा , मंदिर मस्जिद
और हाथों कि लकीरो में,

तेरे घर कि चौकठ में ही
तेरा नसीब रहता है...

विरासते तो बनती, उजड़ती रहती है
इंसान कभी सुल्तान ,तो कभी फ़क़ीर रहता है…

दीपक "रौसा"

Friday, March 21, 2014

My English grammar sucks

It doesn’t take long to figure this part about my writing, my English grammar sucks. By the time you will finish reading this blog, you might even wonder why this person write so much with this kind of bad grammar and also spelling mistake. But that is what keep me going is my love for writing. I am open to write in Hindi to be better at it, but problem is that my computer doesn’t allow me to write in Hindi. This was one of primary reason why stopped my blog on any social networking site with my friends, because they always moan about my bad English. I don’t how to reply them, so I started avoiding sharing with them.

I started this blog around 2 year back, I almost update 5 blog on average a month, but still flow is missing from writing. I have not been able to master the flow which connects a story, somehow without knowing my blog goes from start to end in different note. They all start on good point but in the middle it all get mess up, maybe because as I writer patience is not my forte. I often want to write too much too soon but end up writing too less.  But once I read it again then the realization part arise about missing ingredient in my blog. If you ask me am I happy with my writing standard on my blog, I will always say no, because that is one thing which I am still learning to improve. May be because I never think as a writer where connecting part is very important, I still think as a just simple person where voicing a opinion matter no matter how you say it.

In English I often end up getting confused by this grammar, what to use after what, why we have to use it and why not. In writing if you start in past tense then you keep it like that. I keep making mistakes in these basic things, and often I don’t realize it also till the time I publish my blog. After that there is no looking back, I can edit it, but being lazy person I always avoid that.  After thinking a lot about it, I realize that I miss the editing part in my writing; there has been hardly anything which I edit from my original draft. May be because I like it that way, but lately I have realize that editing is the key to keep improving standard of writing and avoiding mistake in writing. If you can edit you blog then you can also thing about finding and cutting down the error. It is human tendency to make error, but editing part always allows us chance to find the error and eliminate it. May be that is one part which I can improve in my writing.

Well on the point of my grammar, I still think there is lots of scope on improvement. I keep reading more, writing more but in the end point am editing more to keep my mistake in minimum. This year I really want to put focus on my writing so I can improve.

P.S.: Don’t Judge me on the basis of what you read, just judge me by me effort sometime as well.. J

Friday, February 28, 2014

The end Game

Well it seems to be an end is near, no matter how much I deny it or fight again it. But the reality is the finally we are breaking up. After all the love we shared, all the hate we put on each other, all the gifts, all the good, bad and ugly movement we shared will become a memory of past not because they have gone, just because we both have decided to more on. Someone said to me that today people relationship don’t die because of death, but it die due to people let it die; they don’t do anything to keep it alive.

We also did the same thing, I tried to kill my part of relationship and you did your part. Now we both are free from each other spell, we both can do what we want to do, we don’t have to care about each other wish, life, like and dislike. We can move on in life, a thing which we thought will be difficult, but see today also I am writing, even though I thought that without you it would not be possible. Today I realize maybe we never loved each other, because love story never end like this. Our love story had share of good thing, but we never accepted each other weakness, you never understood what I feel like, you never given a deed to my feelings. We carried just a relationship to such a long, just because sake of it. Now I know why in India people are still in marriage even though they are not happy in it, some cheat, some lie but they think this is there rest blame it on god. But no one has courage to say that I made a mistake but I will not continue with it.

I know that might be from tomorrow I will again start missing you, with each passing day I will want to come back to your life, I have done that in past as well, that is why I have lost myself. But this time I don’t want it, if there is no love then it a waste relationship and I don’t want to carry a baggage of a dead relationship on my shoulder. It took time part of me to realize that, you are just with me because I am you habit not your love. A habit which can be replace with something, a habit which can be controlled, a habit which can be labeled as bad when things go wrong, I don’t want to a habit. I wanted to be loved but now I don’t think that would be possible. With each day, you will become more hard towards me, and I will become more weak toward you.

I don't want any favors, but I want to be loved.

PS: A break up letter written by someone who just broke up with GF.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Mikel: Who divide all chelsea fc Fan

If you ever ask any Chelsea fc fan who is the best player in the field, Mikel name will be always come last from fans. He is the player who divides the opinion, something he is useless and does nothing and other think he is important cog in the wheel of Chelsea fc. I am one of those who feel he is one the most consistent performer of our team. He might not be giving 9/10 performance but still on average he will be 7/10 each match. There is nothing spectacular in his work, a midfielder who takes ball and pass it, who does all the dirty work and when team win other get credit but when team losses finger are point at him.

In last few years I think he has matured in his role, I think new system suits him more than the old Chelsea fc system. This season I have seen Mikel playing the higher up in the field, his passing much better from last few seasons and also he is avoiding picking needless cards. You can any team member about last two Europe win who was most important player, they will keep Mikel in top 3 player. In munich he was the best player on the field, apart from scoring goal he did everything. Protecting backline, keeping ball in tight situation these has been keys to his good run in team.  Problem sometime Mikel face is same as Makalale, he was never appreciated by the fan of real Madrid because he never used to score for them. Every winning trophy was credited to scorer or creator but never to him, but after leaving him once Real Madrid team faced decline, then fans realize the importance of him. May the same case if with him, people will only appreciate his presence in team when he will not be in the team.

He has been at Chelsea fc for so long, that he knows what it takes to be successful at top club, in a year or two he will one of senior pro in team who can guide and help the juniors. For me Mikel presence can be felt in the team when team start to playing at his pace and you realize that he never plays to the pace of match, but he make other team to play at his pace which is his biggest asset. Jose has got Mikel at right and at peak of his career like he did with Makalale, he can just bring best out of him and create his team around him. He is already having a great Idea about his best starting 11 in the team. Already he sees Mikel and Ramirez as the best pairing for the midfielder in the team.

I don’t know what future has in hold for him, maybe he will not be Chelsea fc next year, but I think his presence will be felt in team once he is not around. May be all fan are too much spoilt by the like Xavi or Inesta, but there are players like mikel who love to stop other team from playing and help his team playing, not playing himself. I think he is the most selfless player in team I have seen in the long time. He is one the best pro around.

P.S. I was so happy for him when he scored against the Darby. If he can score the goals from Set peaces then Chelsea fc has a great threat from the set peace in any match. 

Monday, January 27, 2014

Hazard: The Star which is shining now

If you ask any fan which player has improved this season most, they will say Hazard. He has just taken his game to different level in last few weeks. It is amazing how thing have just turned around for him in just matter of weeks. It was in November when he was dropped from the team for being late in training and also there were reports that coach is not happy with his discipline in training. The amount of talent he has, he should much better than what he was doing in start of season. And if any coach ever looks from a response from a player, then take a note of Hazard, he has been nothing short of phenomenal in last few weeks, he is the difference between draw and win in Chelsea fc matches.

If you see his game last year and this year there is one major difference is about his reading of game, I don’t it is because of Mourino or he has just become that good, there is no doubt that his defensive side of game has been a plus sign for team, he and Oscar pushes the team to their half and also track back if it required. Going forward he has been nothing short of phenomenal in last few weeks, he has terrorized defense with his direct running, I think last few week referee has not given him at least 2 or 3 penalty, hazard is not a driver but he commit people with his pace and skill that they often don’t able to make a last minute adjustment to his play. He has already scored around 8 or 7 goals, but more important 4 goals in December only. He has stepped his game at right time for team, and with Jose I am sure he will become better.

If hazard has still some weakness then not shooting more some promising position, he did that thing against Liverpool when he leveled Chelsea fc back in the game, but often he and Oscar not shoot they just pass one extra and the movement is gone. Once he starts to score more, then he will be more deadly. I think he is worthy replacement of Ronaldo and Bale in the premier league. He can be the next poster boy of BPL, I think next season we will see a different Hazard, but how Chelsea fc keep this team intact will be vital to his performance. He is still developing and that is frightening for the opposition.

Imagine Hazard running at pace to the defense and there is Oscar and other forward player as well, they can be as deadly as anyone in the world when they attack like this, they have shown that against Liverpool. And yes, they outplayed and outsmarted to them.

P.S. : Hazard face make him so innocent looking boy, but he can be deadly with boll in his foot. J

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Year review of Chelsea fc

Again a dramatic year end of Chelsea fc, as a fan I have stopped being surprised by this club. This is my club, but they can make any scene a drama and they do come out in the end good out of it, like in movies. This year was again the same, when they entered the year with Rafa in charge it was like club fan vs club management, but in the end he delivered the club what he was asked to do. A trophy and top 4 finish in league. This can do the maddest thing in world but yet in the end it goes well.

Players like Terry, Lampard and Cole realized that they are no longer starter in the club; they can be shown the door by the club, yet contract was offered to cole and lampard but I am still not convinced club will have them more than this year. I think cole will leave, and lamps and terry will stay. Chelsea fc new deal of Kit with Addidas made news, it is significant because now people know how big Chelsea fc has become. I think they will be first club to crack the US market because they always visit there in the season start of end of it. They are moving in right direction in term of finance and also in term of vision of club, for the first time we made profit as well that was significant.

The biggest drama was arrival of Jose Mourinho, well if any club can do that then only Chelsea fc in the mind. He comes back to club he love, a club who loves him and fans adore him. He is like second god to most Chelsea fc fan, because the passion and desire he shows on the pitch to win the game is matched by no one else. He is still shaping his team and I think it will take time to get again the mourinho special team, this term he has a great quality squad, but balance is still missing. How he will deal with it is very important.

In term of player, there is not much change in the team, they have only bought willian and eto, otherwise rest team is same, if you see the amount of player are out on loan, then you realize how much talent Chelsea fc has on his books. They might not be best team now, but in future they can be better team without any investment. This team can become more powerful and more amazing with just little addition. I think we will lose some loan starts, but profile will be there in each of them.

Lastly last year we lost too many big games at time, but with jose back in charge we are winning again those big matches, just we have to now not lose those small matches to make sure we stay in the hunt.  Last 2 season we were out of race by this time, but now with jose back we know it will be close, we might not be the championship material, but he will make sure we take the fight to the last round. I think jose will make the difference in the title race, because he know it is important to win, but also very important to not let other win in the league which he did at Man utd and Arsnel.